Friday, March 20, 2015

Spring Break

With spring break around the corner, everyone is buying new clothes, planting new flowers, and getting excited to party! If you aren't doing any of this, just know, I sure am! I've shopped, I've planted trees and flowers, and I'm getting ready to party. Tomorrow, I am going to see my best friend, and cousin. She lives far away and visits only twice a year. I usually only see her 3 or 4 times a year. Since we moved, we have been sad to see less of each other, but happy to finally see each other.

I hope you enjoy your spring break! Thanks for reading!

Here's a little verse for you:

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Your Future

Good morning fellow blog-readers!

I've seen a lot of movies about time travel and seeing your future lately. "Back to the Future" is interesting. There is a quote I'd like to share with you from the part three movie. "Your future is unwritten. You can change your future."

This quote is true. It helps you understand that your future is not already decided. What you do today defines tomorrow. You can always change your future. If you saw your future, it would be ruined. You would know how things were thought out to be, and this would actually change what happens. Your future is a mystery, but you can define your future. Remember that God is in control always. If things don't turn out the way you planned, just know there is a reason.

Thanks for tuning in! See you soon!

Monday, October 20, 2014


Everyone is getting out their Halloween decorations and what not, right? Ghosts and blood and skeletons. And bloody ghosts and skeletons. Don't ask me why people celebrate death. My answer's just as good as yours. People celebrate death for all sorts of reasons. The real question is why don't some people put up Halloween decorations. Personally, I don't because I think it's gory and ugly. It's scary, and pointless. I don't believe in ghosts or live skeletons, so why should I put them up for display.

Lots of kids love Halloween, and you know why. Candy. And maybe dressing up. But mostly candy.

So when adults love Halloween, I wonder why. Most adults don't dress up, and not many go trick-or-treating. I think they love Halloween just because they get to display bloody creatures. It sounds strange to say it out loud, but it's the truth.

I'm not saying you shouldn't celebrate Halloween, but don't let it become a priority to celebrate something you don't even believe in. You could be giving someone the wrong idea about what you believe and don't believe in.

Celebrate the happy things: candy, cute kids in even cuter costumes (just kidding), meeting new people, and going to parties

Happy Halloween!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Rejoice in the Lord

Hello, again! Let's start with a bible verse.

Read this bible verse:
Philippians 4:4

We should always be rejoicing in the Lord.

If you would like to, you can play this song throughout this lesson, or whenever you want:

The Lord always comes through, always keeps his promises, and never stops loving you.

He is crazy about you. He made you just the way you are.

Did you know that angels rejoice in the Lord every second of every day? They have been rejoicing in him longer that you and I have even lived! They never stop rejoicing, and each time they say,"Holy, holy, holy," They get closer to the Lord! That is how amazing the Lord is!

If you are ever in a tough situation, just turn up the song (link above) and rejoice!

That's all for today! Keep rejoicing!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Letting Go

Welcome! Let's jump right in to God's Word!

God said that every time we ask for forgiveness, he will not only forgive us, but he will also forget about our forgiven sin! We are truly blessed and should be grateful for this.

Read these bible verses:
Psalm 130:4
Matthew 26:28

The above verses show just how much God cares about us, which is a LOT. He died on a tree for me and you!

So, if you ever ask for forgiveness, remember that he will forget about your past mistake and still love you, like always.

Keep checking my blog every once in a while for more!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Life Isn't Fair

So... You've heard of "that's just the way it is," right? Well, if you haven't, let me tell you: I hear it all the time. Maybe you've heard: "Life isn't fair." That's true. Life isn't fair.

Life isn't very fair sometimes.

life isn t fair


Now you're wondering: Where's the hope? Is there a happy ending? I am glad to tell you: Yes! There is hope, and here it is:

God has always been fair. He always will be. He is some one that we can ALWAYS count on, no matter what!

Thank you for tuning in! Talk to you later!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Enjoying Life

Hello, and welcome! Today is all about enjoying life.

Read these bible verses:
 Job 33:28
Ecclesiastes 8:15

God loves everyone, including me and you. He made us. He adores us, and we should adore him.

If God created us, then wouldn't he want us to enjoy life? The answer is yes! Life is sacred because what you do here on earth will determine a lot. I don't just mean your future, I mean everyone's future, because you can change people's lives.

We shouldn't stress, worry, or life in doubt or fear, because the world is amazing. It's beautiful, and God created every bit of it. He wants you to live and love. When you live in a world this outstanding, missing out would be awful.

God keeps his promises. Always.

Read these bible verses:
2 Peter 3:9 
Remember that God does NOT make mistakes. He never lies or steals or breaks a promise. He is perfect. When he spoke to Moses by the burning bush, he said "I am who I am... Tell them 'I Am' has sent me to you."

Blessings are important, too.

Read these bible verses:

May the Lord bless you and keep you!

May the Lord make his face shine upon you,

And be good to you!

May the Lord smile on you,

And give you peace!

That's all for now! Thanks for reading!